Baltimore Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel


Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201


Visit Baltimore & Washington D.C.









Welcome to ACS 46th Annual Conference!


美東中文學校協會第四十六屆年會,將於今年五月廿五、廿六兩天在馬里蘭州(Maryland) Baltimore 的 Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel (300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201) 舉行。此一盛會不僅是每年美國東部近百所中文學校的師生熱切期盼的大型活動,也是所有美東中文學校緊密結合、聚集一堂的難得機會,每年約有六百多人參加。


本協會於一九七四年創立。會員學校分佈範圍廣泛,現今分成六個區域包括: 第一區:新英格蘭地區;第二區:紐約州北部及康州;第三區:新澤西州;第四區:賓州東部、賓州西部、德拉瓦州及南新澤西州;第五區:馬里蘭州、華府地區及維吉尼亞州;第六區:紐約市及長島。 今日,華語文教育在全球的發展,已經不侷限於華裔,漸漸涵蓋到多種族群。為了普及華語文教育,本協會利用每年國殤節的長假,集合各地華語文教育界之先進及菁英,為提昇華語文教育貢獻心力,使傳承的工作能不斷注入活水泉源。多年來推廣華語文教育的努力也逐漸得到了美國教育界及美國外語教學理事會(ACTFL)的重視,僑教在這其中扮演著舉足輕重的角色。爰此今年年會主題擬訂如下:






陳芳平       白寶珠



Event: The Association of Chinese Schools (ACS) 46th Annual Conference
Date: A two-day conference on May 25th (Saturday) and May 26th, (Sunday) 2019
Location: Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel (300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA)

It’s time to welcome you to the 46th annual Association of Chinese Schools (ACS) conference. The ACS annual conference is one of its kind in the east coast of USA. It gathers officials, Chinese language experts, teachers, administrators, esteemed speakers, vendors, parents, and students coming from nearly one hundred Chinese language schools. Their participation in these exciting educational and informational activities demonstrates in volume that it is important to master a second language especially Chinese.

This always much anticipated conference is a great occasion for all participants to share and to exchange experiences in educational trends, technology enhanced teaching materials, cultures, teaching opportunities, testing options, student exchanges, federal grants supporting world languages, and best teaching practices. Each year, there are over 600 attendees participating in opening ceremony, concurrent sessions, workshops, activities, competitions, and closing ceremony designed to enhance our talented and dedicated teachers and instructors.

As one of the largest and oldest Chinese language and culture organizations in the United States, ACS with its guiding mission to reach the highest quality of Chinese teaching through the active exchange of experiences and best practices sharing is a cherished and venerable association. We maintain our excellence and longevity through never losing sight of our vital mission, to effectively promote the Chinese culture and language into mainstream society; for both future generations and those who are interested within the larger community. Through the meticulous planning and execution of the ACS 46th annual conference, there are numerous training seminars, students competitions, presentations, workshops and entertainments for all attendees. These activities provide opportunities for teachers to observe and to learn from experts, to explore new and innovative technologies and approaches, and to witness technology-driven teaching methods designed to enhance students’ learning experience that is the key to our success, as well as your participation!

One of the highlights during this conference is student competitions including speech, multimedia, culture contents, singing, poster, and yoyo contests. All participated students are awarded for their best performance. Through competitions like these, they encourage students to show off their knowledge about Chinese culture and their language skills to its peak in both serious and casual fashions.

The Conference Chair, Charlene and Chiachi, President of ACS cordially invite you and your families to join us at the 2019 ACS Annual Conference in Baltimore. Our expectation is that we use this golden opportunity to achieve two goals. The first goal is to gather all, to have hands-on experiences, and to share the most up-to-date education principles on Chinese teaching. After you experience mutual benefits of such sharing, the second goal is to promote Chinese culture and language programs in your community with what you’ve learned in the conference. Lastly, for those of you coming from outside of the Washington DC area, please take time to explore the rich history in the Baltimore and Washington DC, both academic and cultural. Wish you all a memorable and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


Chiachi Chuang
ACS President

Charlene Chang
ACS 46th Annual Conference Chairwoman

And the ACS Board of Directors