
美東中文學校協會第五十二屆年會,將於二零二五年五月廿十四、廿十五兩天在紐約長島Mansion at Glen Cove舉行。 此一盛會每年均有超過五百人參加,不僅是每年美國東部有近六十所中文學校的師生熱切期盼的大型活動,也是所有中文學校緊密結合、聚集一堂的難得機會。



本協會始於一九七四年創立。 時至今日,華語文教育的發展,已不侷限於華人及華裔,也涵蓋到各種不同族群。 為了普及華語文教育,本會利用每年國殤節日的長假,舉辦美東每年最大盛事美東年會,集合各地教育界之先進及菁英,為提昇華語文教育貢獻心力.也藉由今年主辦區經過數年努力不懈的創新和改革,全面地使傳承的工作能不斷注入活水泉源。多年來推廣華語文教育的努力也不但得到美國教育界的重視,僑教在這其中扮演著舉足輕重的角色。


莘莘僑教思奮進 實作學問日日新




邱琼雯, 王聿潔, 莊淂隆 三位理事

暨美東中文學校協會理事會全體理事, 美東第六區大紐約區全體會員學校


Event: The Association of Chinese Schools’ (ACS) The 52nd Annual Conference
Date: A two-day event to be held on May 24th and May 25th, 2025
Location: The Mansion at Glen Cove - 200 Dosoris Lane, Glen Cove, New York

Dear Principals, Teachers, Educational Staff and Experts, Parents, and Students:

It's the time for the ACS annual conference to be held in the Greater New York area. We are expecting that nearly 60 Chinese schools with more than 500 teachers and students will participate in both exciting and encouraging educational and informational activities that are great opportunities for you and your families and friends to join us. Again we expect that nearly 60 Chinese schools with more than 500 teachers and students will participate in the exciting and encouraging educational and informational activities that we have planned. We are now inviting you and your families and friends to join us.

As one of the largest and oldest Chinese language and culture organizations within the United States, ACS, with its guiding mission to enhance the quality of Chinese teaching through the active exchange of experience and shared best practices, has proved to be a cherished and venerable nonprofit organization. Our purpose is to contribute to the cultural heritage and identity of Chinese children, improve the quality of Chinese language teaching, exchange experiences, train excellent teachers, and promote Chinese language to all. The annual conference organized by this association uses teaching seminars, observation and discussion, expert lectures, various diversified listening, speaking, reading, writing and cultural competitions to promote Chinese culture through innovative and technological teaching methods. The introduction of Chinese language and culture into mainstream society will enhance understanding and recognition of Chinese heritage by all communities and the new generation of overseas Chinese.

In prior years, the conference focused on five major competitions, including: speech, poster, multimedia presentation, singing, and Chinese yo-yo contests. This year, the ACS Region 6 of Greater New York area successfully established, revamped, and introduced nearly double the number of competitions, including: recitation, story-telling, sing-a-long, and pencil calligraphy competitions. A total of eight academic competitions will be held at this annual conference, so that more students will have the opportunity to show their talents, develop their characteristics, and gain self-affirmation. We will also exchange ideas with teachers and students from various districts across the U.S. and learn from each other through teaching experiences. There are also awards for outstanding teachers and students, parent-child handmade paper craft sessions, and other activities to encourage everyone to give their best efforts and strive for maximum progress and achieve the highest honors.

ACS was founded in 1974. Today, the development of Chinese language education is no longer limited to Chinese and ethnic Chinese, but also incorporates various ethnic groups. To popularize Chinese language education, ACS takes advantage of the Memorial Day weekend to hold our 52nd annual conference, the largest event in the region, bringing together elite educational leaders from all over the world to contribute to the improvement of Chinese language education. Efforts to promote Chinese language education have not only received attention from the American education community, but overseas Chinese teachers have played a pivotal role over the years. It was only through several years of unrelenting innovation and reform efforts by this year’s host district that we were able to continue great educational traditions as well as offer much needed transformations in promoting Chinese language and culture.

Theme of this year’s annual conference:

Overseas Chinese education fosters innovation, with knowledge being renewed daily through practical application.

The Association of Chinese Schools wholeheartedly invites you to attend our 52nd annual conference, where we can observe, share experiences, discuss and communicate with each other, and work together to spread Chinese culture and improve Chinese language teaching. You can also take this opportunity to visit Long Island areas, including its rich history, academic, political and economic contributions to the area and enjoy an enriching Memorial Day long weekend!


Chiongwen Chiu
ACS President

Chiongwen Chiu, Yu-Chieh Wang, Richard Chuang
ACS 52nd Annual Conference, Region 6 Greater New York area Board of Directors

All the ACS Board of Directors, and all Region 6 Greater New York area member schools